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China Export

China Export

China  Export
For the first time, China has accumulated the largest volume of exports in the world, surpassing Germany and the United States. The achievement, a landmark occurred in August, summer vacation in Europe, where economic activity is lower than in other months of the year. Data collected by World Trade Organization show that in that month, the Chinese exported $ 111.4 billion, compared with $ 105.8 billion from the Germans.
The mark should not be repeated in September, but the deed shows that China has come to stay among the great and the threat of being number one is increasingly a reality. Earlier this year, the Chinese had already overtaken the U.S. and now holds second place among the largest exporters. In August, it was time to beat the leaders.
Even if the Europeans claim that August is the month of summer vacation and the volume of exports is lower, the reality is that in 2006 the Chinese had not yet managed beat the Germans on holiday. In August 2006, the Chinese exported $ 72 billion, compared with $ 89 billion from the Germans. Between January and August, the Germans continued to lead the ranking of the largest exporters, with accumulated sales of $ 852 billion. The Chinese totaled U.S. $ 766 billion.
Projections indicate that Germany can still finish the year as the largest exporter. But the evolution of China, over 20% per year, promises to change the geography of world trade from 2008.
Despite the new status, the Chinese continue to advocate the treatment of emerging country and understand that, because they joined the WTO only five years ago, should not be forced to liberalize its market same as the others.
For countries like Brazil, are already beginning to feel the Chinese competition as a challenge, Beijing will be hard to justify his position.
Source: Economics and Business
Name: Cristiani Vittoria